Grab a discounted copy of MourneQuest now its Funded!
We were delighted when
MOURNEQUEST Successfully funded on Kickstarter on 8th June.

Thank you to all the backers who helped make this Irish fantasy book to boardgame a reality.
To try and get some of the Stretch Goals we missed last week we put a post-Kickstarter campaign on Indiegogo. It is only
LIVE for one more week. So, if you missed our successful Kickstarter and would like to get a copy of our very pretty game, please order it as soon as possible.
Also please tell your friends about it using Social Media, word of mouth etc. and help unlock the cool Stretch Goal minis for backers of both campaigns. Click on the image above to go to the order page.
Ninja Squad
Our BIG NEWS new release for
Spiel 2018 is
Ninja Squad!
It’s a two to four player cooperative and also competitive boardgame, were players play the part of Ninjas leading from roof to roof while trying to evade the Shogun’s Guards.

A prototype image of Ninja Squad
A bit like the Snickers TV add in the cooperative game and then on the player versus game, its every Ninja for themselves out through the Imperial Gardens.
It, like MourneQuest, was loved at the
UK Games Expo and last weekend at
Q-Con, Belfast.
Backspindle boy David will have copies of both games at
Gen Con and may possibly be able to demo
Ninja Squad for a few fans. If you’d us to try and fit this in, drop an email to We can't promise, but we will try our best. David will from time to time be at the
Ninja Division booth - 2627.
Our other games
Discworld Clacks has sold out! However, we are expecting more stock in the next few weeks.
Codinca continues to sell well around the world and in our opinion is a
'must have' travel game for the summer months.
Dance of the Fireflies was also very popular at the UK Games Expo and can be ordered

and finally
Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice is still the best fun dice chucking game!

Till next time…remember #gamingisgood